Trinity Episcopal Church

Sunday Worship
7:30am Eucharist
9am Eucharist with Children’s Chapel
10:30am Sunday School / Christian Education
11:15am Eucharist with Children’s Chapel
7pm Contemplative Eucharist

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December 1, 2023

Your Vestry is thrilled to announce that we have chosen a Parish Profile Committee! This committee’s goal is to form the Parish Profile, which will be used by Trinity to call our next rector, and for candidates to identify us as their next call. This committee is comprised of a diverse group of parishioners who are representative of Trinity. They are a prayerful team, and they are skilled in communication, marketing, data analysis, organization, and teamwork.

Your Parish Profile Committee will be commissioned on Sunday, December 10, and they are:

Jessica Wallace, Chairperson
Anthony Austin
Leslie Haglan
Sharon Hansen
Hellen Lee
Richard Miner
Judy Pinney
Charlie Biegel, Vestry Representative (1)
Janet Salsman, Chaplain (1, 2)  
Keith Smith, Special Advisor to the Committee (1, 2)
(1) appointed by the vestry, (2) non-voting

Please join us in thanking this team for their willingness to serve and the critically important work they are undertaking.

Tovi Abello, Sr. Warden
Janice Freeberg, Jr. Warden
Charlie Biegel
Christy Evans
Kim Hewitt
Katriona McLean-Lucas
Katie Rogers
Jon Sutherland
Judith Richardson