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Trinity Sunday Parish Picnic ~ Sunday, May 26, 4:30pm


at Trinity

Committed to Outreach

Giving to our greater community—both near and far—is a core value of Trinity Folsom. Our efforts are steered by our Outreach Committee, which directs the outreach portion of our annual parish budget and our outreach volunteer efforts. We support and serve a variety of organizations and offer a range of opportunities to volunteer and contribute to our outreach efforts.

Outreach Volunteer Opportunities

Trinity's outreach activities require a variety of commitments and contributions, providing opportunities for anyone wishing to be involved and contribute. Details are published in our weekly electronic newsletter, the Trinity Tidings. Trinity's ongoing and annual outreach activities include:

  • Monthly Powerhouse Ministries Meals: Five nights every month, small teams of volunteers plan and prepare dinner for the residents of Powerhouse Ministries' Women and Children's Center and Men's Recovery Center. Once the cooking is completed, volunteers share the meal with the residents, facilitating fellowship and forging connections.
  • HART of Folsom Winter Shelter: Trinity provides a week's worth of volunteers to staff HART's Winter Shelter which feeds and serves our unhoused population during the coldest months.
  • Easter Baskets: Parishioners assemble Easter baskets for local food banks to distribute to their clients.
  • Powerhouse Ministries' Dragonboat Race: Trinity sponsors a team of parishioners to compete in Powerhouse Ministries' Dragonboat Race fundraiser. Parishioners can also make financial contributions to support the Trinity team or rowers' fundraising efforts. 100% of all donations go to support Powerhouse Ministries.
  • Mother's Day Diaper Drive: Trinity collects donations of diapers, wipes, and feminine hygiene products, all of which are in high demand at local food banks and other community organizations serving  populations struggling to make ends meet. We stack the items around the altar on Mother's Day, and then distribute the items to those community organizations.
  • Back-to-school Drive: Trinity collects donations of backpacks and other school supplies to support Twin Lakes Food Bank's annual back-to-school event.
  • Folsom Community Service Day Food Drive: Trinity volunteers help to distribute donation bags to all homes in Folsom in advance of Folsom's Day of Service. On the actual day of the city-wide event, additional volunteers from Trinity collect bags filled with food, which go to support Twin Lakes Food Bank efforts to address hunger in our community.
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive: Trinity collects donations for Thanksgiving dinners in support of Twin Lakes Food Bank's annual Thanksgiving event.
  • Christmas Around Town: Powerhouse's annual event, in partnership with local churches, provides the opportunity for community members in need to purchase gifts for loved ones at a very low cost. Trinity sponsors the Women's Store and the Kitchen Store, collecting donations to supply the stores and providing volunteers to staff them on the day of the event.

Community Partnerships

Trinity maintains ongoing relationships providing support to community organizations including:

Trinity also supports global organizations including:

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