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Trinity Sunday Parish Picnic ~ Sunday, May 26, 4:30pm



Intercessory Prayer Requests

Intercessory prayers bring the needs of others before God. Through these prayers, we provide support to one another, especially in times of crisis, illness, or grief. To request intercessory prayers, you can add your request to the Prayers of the People or submit a request to be added to the parish prayer list, as detailed below. You may also contact a member of our clergy directly, or contact the office, and one of our clergy will follow up with you.

Prayers of the People

The Prayers of the People are a constant and vital part of our eucharistic worship services. Near the end of the prayers, parishioners are invited to add their own petitions, intercessions, or thanksgivings silently or aloud. They may also write them down for the intercessor to read as part of the prayers.

If you would like to add a name to the prayers during worship services, please go to the lectern before the service, find the "Prayers of the People" page in the binder there, and add the name(s) to the space provided for that purpose.

Parish Prayer List

Trinity maintains a list of prayer requests from our parishioners. Requests can be for oneself or others. Dedicated parishioners in our intercessory prayer ministry pray continually for requests submitted to our prayer list. The parish prayer list is confidential, and those in the intercessory prayer ministry agree never to discuss or share any information from the prayer list, including with those who have submitted requests.

You can submit your request by email to or by using our Prayer Request form.

Prayer Request Form

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