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Trinity Sunday Parish Picnic ~ Sunday, May 26, 4:30pm



Intercessory Prayer Ministries

Intercessory prayers bring before God the needs of others. Through these prayers, we provide support to one another, especially in times of crisis, illness, or grief. If you feel called to serve as an intercessor for others, consider joining one of our intercessory prayer ministries.

Parish Prayer List Intercessors

Trinity maintains a list of prayer requests from our parishioners. Requests can be for themselves or others. Dedicated parishioners in our intercessory prayer ministry pray continually for requests submitted to our prayer list. The parish prayer list is confidential, and those in the intercessory prayer ministry must agree never to discuss or share any information from the prayer list, including with those who have submitted requests. If you feel called to be a part of this vital ministry, please speak to the clergy about your interest.

Liturgical Intercessors

At most of our worship services, a lay intercessor leads the Prayers of the People, lifting up the needs of the world, the community, the church, and the people. If you feel called to become a liturgical intercessor, contact the office to join Trinity's Readers ministry.

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